Founded in 2015, the iVenture Accelerator is the educational accelerator for student startups at the University of Illinois. The flagship program of the Origin Ventures Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership in Gies College of Business, iVenture has supported startups that have gone on to create global impact.
We wouldn’t be here without the generous support of our close friends at Origin Ventures! Our success is made possible by a gift to Gies College of Business from their founding partners, Steve Miller (BS '87) and Bruce Barron (BS '77).
The duo has diligently interacted with every single one of our 300+ student entrepreneurs and has enthusiastically extended their interest and involvement over the years.
Thank you again, Origin Ventures, for your unwavering support for iVenture and the other initiatives in the Origin Venture’s Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership. We look forward to continuing to change the world together!