Over a decade of startups.

We've just crossed our 10 year anniversary, raised over $160,000,000 and reached an enterprise value of $1,000,000,000. Check out what we've been up to for the last decade – teams are also hiring!

People sitting on steps watching a presentation.
People sitting on steps watching a presentation.

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iVenture Accelerator

The educational accelerator for startups ready to scale within the U of I system – a program of the Origin Ventures Office of Entrepreneurship.

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iVenture Accelerator

The educational accelerator for startups ready to scale within the U of I system – a program of the Origin Ventures Office of Entrepreneurship.

Find us


iVenture Accelerator

The educational accelerator for startups ready to scale within the U of I system – a program of the Origin Ventures Office of Entrepreneurship.

Find us at /
