Solving the growing problem of variability management in the energy grid for power plants by converting costly excess energy into valuable hydrogen. NASADYA solves the problem of variability management in the energy grid for power plants by converting a money losing by-product, excess energy, into a money making co-product, hydrogen. Our technology will convert excess electricity into hydrogen to help energy companies manage variability in the grid—because plants are required to overproduce energy to make sure they meet demand, but end up paying to get rid of the excess. The transition to solar and wind energy is making this challenge bigger and more expensive for power producers each year. Our passionate team will help power producers save money and cut carbon emissions while allowing us to sell increasingly valuable, zero-emission hydrogen.


To Change the World


To Help People

Meet The Team

Students, Innovators, Entrepreneurs, Leaders

Chaitanya Gulati

Chaitanya Gulati is a student in UIUC’s dual degree program studying Systems Engineering & Design and Innovation, Leadership & Engineering Entrepreneurship (ILEE). He’s a smart-creative and pragmatic idealist that aims to create a society that is driven by passion. He is extremely passionate about Energy and is working towards creating clean sustainable systems for the future through his startup NASADYA. He always enjoys talking to people, listening to music and learning new things so feel free to reach out!